mercredi 29 mai 2013

The Troubles

 In 1905, an Irish republican party, who called Sinn Fein, was created. He was the principal political strength of the Irish War of Independence. In 1916, the Irish Republican Army, a military organisation, helps the resistance to British Rule. In 1921, the South Ireland becomes an independent Republic whereas the North Ireland remains in the “union”, part of the United Kingdom. In 1969, the Troubles start in Northern Ireland between the Republicans that is to say Catholics and the Unionists or Loyalists, that is to say Protestants. Between years 1671-1976 the violence is very important.

            On 30 January 1972, in the Bogside area of Derry, thirteen demonstrators have been killed by the English armed. In fact the English armed open fire during an event for the defence about civil law. Catholics don’t want the discriminations whose they were has victim.
The Hunger strikes have a long history in the conflict in Northern Ireland. In 1981, one of the most infamous hunger strikes resulted in the death of 10 Irish Republicans including Bobby Sands who has become a symbol of the struggle.
            There is 17 years, the people of Northern Ireland hope for the peace. In fact they want a hope of peace, political progress and an eventual reconciliation.
            In 1998, the signature of the peace treaty, the Good Friday Agreement, has allowed acquaintances between Protestants and Catholics. But Londonderry’s city stays, all the same, geographically very mark by this dualism historic.

            Today, this city has got two names: Derry for Catholics and Londonderry for Protestants. This city has got also two nationalities: Irish side Derry and British side Londonderry.

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